Meal Prep Week 1

Sunday is meal prep day at mi casa and this week, I thought I'd give you a glimpse into what that looks like! Every Sunday, I sit down with a list of recipes I have seen and liked on Instagram, Pinterest, food blogs, and magazines during the week (I keep a list of links on a Google Doc.). I then go through the list and pick a couple that sound good for the upcoming week. I typically supplement with a couple of staple dressings and sides from cookbooks, but I try to experiment with new styles of food every week. I pick one dinner for each night of the week, and two extra so I don't feel pinned down to any one recipe on a particular night. These meals feed both Dylan and myself with enough leftovers to bring to work for the next day's lunch. As for breakfast, I typically eat and drink the same variation of things every morning so I don't meal plan for breakfast. Once I've chosen the recipes, I make a grocery list categorized by vegetables/fruits, sauces/spices, and and dairy/nuts. Here is what I have planned this week. 

Monday // Yogi Bowl 

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